Sunday, May 8, 2011

RANT: Poseurs (Real Recognizes Real)


Uploaded by  on May 8, 2011

My 2 cents: 

Every person is on their journey through life. Becoming a juggalo doesn't necessarily mean a ninja's got his shit straight. If the Dark Carnival's message strikes a chord and the music sounds good to you and you're entertained by the live performance, chances are you're gonna wanna be a juggalo. But being a good person doesn't happen over night. Everybody needs to live life and learn from mistakes. Scumbag scrubs and show-boaters who rep the Hatchet are no less juggalo just because they act wack.

Additional FBook comments...

Real recognizes real. Kind of cliche, but true. ICP will never tell the juggalo nation that they need to believe this or that they need to do that in order to "be a juggalo". The juggalo nation will always have newbies in the mix, over-excited about shit, over-eager to earn their stripes (be recognized for being down), and overkillin’ with enthusiasms and/or intolerances at times. We're just people.

Here's another cliche: Monkey see, monkey do. Try not to be a control freak about the juggalo family/nation. We will never "all" be on the same page. Sometimes a fake ninja is just a lost soul. But that individual might still cherish the music and support the hatchet. Even if he/she is retarded or can't act right. Nobody likes to be taken down a peg, told what to believe, or how to act. If a ninja doesn't wanna learn nothing, they are'nt going to anyway. ICP's music has always been the source of my juggalo "education": the wicked stories, the moral lessons, the ass and pussy jokes, etc. Who really needs other ninjas to explain how to be a juggalo to them? ICP doesn't explain it. They let it be. Can't you monkeys see that??

Treat others how you wanna be treated. If you're Holier than thou and think you have the right to tell others how to be, than go for it. You won't make a lot of friends that way. But real recognizes real. If someone is "getting all mad and calling people fake" out of anger or frustration, then they have showed their true colors. Newbies aren't the only ones who do this. Plenty of old-schoolers are quick to label others "fake" for not being completely “in the know”.

Don't let someone calling you a fake bother you anymore than someone making fun of you for being a juggalo in the first place. Its easier said than done, but try not to give a fuck. It frees up so much energy and makes life so much more enjoyable. For example: You could call me a racist and I know it isn't true. Why would I bother trying to argue with anyone about my realness? What’s the point? Haters are gonna hate. Fakes are usually the ones hollering "fake" and its because they aren't comfortable with themselves. If they were, they wouldn't care if you were fake or not. Get it?

...I'm saying we can't control each other's actions. And we shouldn't let other's opinions or accusations get to us. You can act how you want. You can fight fakes to the death if you want. You're choice. I'm only suggesting ninjas rise above the drama and let the fakes be fake and not take it personal.
I never said there will not be drama. I'm saying there will always be drama and we don't have to like it. I'm putting ideas out there that there are other ways to deal with the fakes in our midst other than bitching and complaining about it. This post and this thread was never directed at any one person. Its my rant on current events in the juggalo nation. The only opinion I'm trying to make is that life is easier when you don't get hung up on other ninjas' actions.

There's a lot to ingest now-a-days. It can't be easy for new juggalos. A lot of pressure to not look stupid. A lot of criticism thrown around for acting wrong. Old school juggalos can get overwhelmed with the increasing number of newbies. Its come to a point where newbies are influencing other newbies. If you're not new and you don't like the way things are, you can try to educate, but remember that nobody wants to be governed or controlled. If someone doesn't wanna be taught, than don't waste your time with them.

We sometimes forget that ICP has built a party environment at their shows. It's entertainment with extra deep meaning. But its still just entertainment. Ninjas don't wanna feel like they're at school when its wicked shit that brought them to the party. Remember we will not all be on the same page. Respect the learning curve and try to enjoy yourselves. Fuck being a hall monitor when the students are running amuck. Just be a senior, junior, sophomore, or freshman juggalo and let the rest of the kids have their fun. Anyone can enroll. Graduation is not required. Special needs ninjas are just as juggalo as the high honors ninjas. Nobody is getting paid to teach. Let ICP school it. LMAO


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